YOU KNOW WHEN you’re creeping on an acquaintance’s Facebook and see them tagged in a photo with someone you vaguely know and you think to yourself, “Hang on, I didn’t know that they knew each other!”
This photo we are about to show you is like that.
Last night, Kardashian matriarch Kris Jenner posted a photo with Jennifer Lawrence.
In bed.
Happy Birthday you piece of s**t... God I love you #Jenniferlawrence thanks for making this night a night to remember.....even if we did get caught... I love you Happy Birthday Gorgeous!!!#Bible #momager #doll
Em, pardon?
The photo, taken by Jenner's boyfriend Corey Gamble, raises a lot of questions.
1. What's going on here?
2. How exactly did Kris Jenner (59) come to befriend Jennifer Lawrence (25)?
3. They must be close if Kris is referring to J-Law as a "piece of s**t". Right?
4. Who suggested the bed selfie?
5. Did Jennifer Lawrence celebrate her birthday in a hotel room with Kris Jenner and her boyfriend?
6. If so, why?
7. Why did Kris Jenner include the hashtags "#momager" and "#bible" on the photo?
8. Does Jennifer Lawrence also "love" Kris Jenner?
9. Why is Kris Jenner holding a copy of The Plague by Albert Camus?
10. Why is Jennifer Lawrence holding a copy of Play As It Lays by Joan Didion?
11. Seriously, what does it all mean?